

The $RMANTREE/lib/examples directory contains RIB files and compiled shaders that provide renderable examples of Deep Texture rendering, "plausible" shading, the re-rendering modes of PRMan, and volume rendering.

  • /deeptexture includes these simple RIB files (with associated .slo files and RIB archives), which generate deep texture files:
    • scene.rib - generates a single deep texture containing a blue sphere, a green cone, a red cylinder, and a yellow furball.
    • multilayer_scene.rib - generates separate deep textures for the aforementioned geometry that can be layered.
    • multilayer_scene_moving.rib - generates separate deep textures for the aforementioned geometry, motion-blurred, that can be layered.
  • /plausible contains usage examples of the physically plausible light integrators introduced in RPS 16. For more details, please consult the Physically Plausible Shading in RSL application note.
    • as.rib
    • arealight.rib
    • dbrdf.rib
    • dielectric.rib
    • microfacet.rib
    • plastic.rib
    • sunlight.rib
    • /envlight: envlight.rib and associated shaders/textures.
    • /glass - contains two primary RIB files (and several RIB archives):
      • glass.rib
      • simple.rib
  • /rerender contains Python scripts offering re-rendering examples, with associated shaders (which must be compiled before running the scripts).
    • brickmap.py - Uses a brick map for shadowing as a light orbits a teapot.
    • cameraedit.py - Uses the raytrace re-renderer to orbit the camera around a teapot.
    • light_instance_edit.py - Uses the raytrace re-renderer to animate the cone angle of a bank of lights that share a shader instance.
    • pointcloud.py - Uses a point cloud for shadowing as a light orbits a teapot.
    • shadowmap.py - Uses a shadow map for shadowing as a light orbits a teapot.
    • surface_instance_edit.py - Uses the ray trace re-renderer to animate the grain in a wood shader using instance editing, then switches the shader to glass using attribute editing (rebinding the shader).