License Server Installation

License Server Installation

Pixar's RenderMan products are licensed using a proprietary license. Licenses can be either node-locked to a specific computer (or a USB device, for portability), or they can be floating, served via the PixarLicenseServer. The PixarLicenseServer is bound to a single host, which can be running any of the operating systems supported by RenderMan Pro Server, regardless of the platform the other software is using. Operating systems currently supported are:

  • Windows Vista or 7
  • Macintosh OS X 10.7.x or higher
  • Linux gcc 4.1/icc 1.1.1

We strongly encourage you to install the license server (and all of our software) on one of these platforms.

Additionally, while the seemingly mundane task of serving licenses often falls to older hardware, all of Pixar's RenderMan products, including the license server, require processors that are SSE2 compliant.

Installing the License Server on Linux

Download the appropriate installer based upon your system's current gcc/glibc configuration.

To install the license server to the default location, in a root shell, navigate (cd) to the directory where the rpm file was downloaded to and type, for example:

> rpm -i PixarLicense-LA-11.0-linuxRHEL5_gcc41icc111.x86_64.rpm

Note that there are different rpm packages for each flavor of Linux that is supported.

To install the packages to a different location, the /opt prefix of the default path can be replaced. For example, to install to /usr/local/pixar/PixarLicense-LA-11.0, from a root shell type:

> rpm -i --prefix /usr/local PixarLicense-LA-11.0-linuxRHEL5_gcc41icc111.x86_64.rpm

The installation includes the following components and scripts:

  • PixarLicenseServer
  • LicenseApp/
  • pxmlshared.tcl
  • queryAvailablePRMan.tcl
  • queryUsersPRMan.tcl
  • stopPixarLicenseServer.tcl
  • Note

    The Pixar License Server software only needs to be installed on the machine that you have designated as your license server.

Near the end of the installation the licensing application, LicenseApp, will be invoked. It will ask you for an "Entitlement Serial Number" and your Support Forum login and password. Enter the information in the appropriate fields (if you use a proxy server, your proxy information should be added as host:port, e.g. in the Advanced section) and click on the Get License button.

The application will contact Pixar's servers and download your license to the License Server directory. Once that is finished, quit LicenseApp and the license server installer will run to completion.

After installing your license, you will need to start a license server daemon on the license server host. The license server daemon can be manually started on a host by using the shell script /opt/pixarPixarLicense-LA-11.0/ and stopped with /opt/pixar/PixarLicense-LA-11.0/stopPixarLicenseServer.tcl. The script may be invoked interactively by any user or from the system startup. The license manager needs no special privileges to run.

In order to have the license server be started automatically, you may want to install an rc.d script. For example:

# description: start/stop control for Pixar License Server
# processname: PixarLicenseServer
# source function library.
. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions

SU="/bin/su nobody -c"

case "$1" in
    echo "Starting Pixar License Server Daemon for RenderMan software"
      if [ -x "$LICENSE_DIR/PixarLicenseServer" ]; then
        if [ -f "$LICENSE_FILE" ] ; then
          cd "$LICENSE_DIR"
          echo "ERROR Cannot run Pixar Licensing daemon: PixarLicenseServer"
          echo "$LICENSE_FILE does not exist."
        echo "ERROR Cannot run Pixar Licensing daemon: PixarLicenseServer"
        echo "$LICENSE_DIR/PixarLicenseServer does not exist or is not executable"
      echo "Shutting Down Pixar License Server Daemon for RenderMan software"
      cd "$LICENSE_DIR" /usr/bin/tclsh stopPixarLicenseServer.tcl
      echo "Usage: pixarlicenseserver {start|stop}"
      exit 1

    exit 0

Installing the License Server on Windows

Double-click on the appropriate .msi file to invoke the installer, e.g. Pixar_License-LA_[version]_Win32.vc8-SSE2.msi. This must be done on the machine that you intend to use as your license server. The installer will take you through the installation process, step-by-step.

  • Important

The License Server installation requires that the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x64 runtime library be installed. The runtime library can be downloaded from Microsoft. The License Server will not install or run without this component. Download this ONLY if not currently present on your machine.

  • Note

Connections to the license server are made over port 9010. When running any of the installers, or setting up your site's .ini files, make sure that you are pointing at port 9010, not 7498.

By default, the license server is installed in C:\Program Files\Pixar\PixarLicense-LA-[version] and contains the following components and scripts:

* PixarLicenseServer.exe
* LicenseApp/
* pxmlshared.tcl
* queryAvailablePRMan.tcl
* queryUsersPRMan.tcl
* stopPixarLicenseServer.tcl
  • Note

    The Pixar License Server software only needs to be installed on the machine that you have designated as your license server.

Near the end of the installation the licensing application, LicenseApp.exe, will be invoked. It will ask you for an "Entitlement Serial Number" and your Support Forum login and password. Enter the information in the appropriate fields (if you use a proxy server, your proxy information should be added as host:port, e.g. in the Advanced sction) and click on the Get License button.

The application will contact Pixar's servers and download your license to the License Server directory. Once that is finished, quit LicenseApp and the license server installer will run to completion.

Eventually, you will need to start the license server. This can be done via the Windows Services panel (Start-> Control Panel-> Administrative Tools->Services), or you can run the executable via the Command Prompt (the -help option will give you a rundown of the optional flags for running the license server, including -v:X for debug output and -log filename for logging).

  • Important

    Vista Caveats: Please note that Windows Vista, in its default configuration, can cause problems for the current Pixar License Server and Alfserver services. You will likely need to allow the license server to receive network connections (on port 9010), and may need to disable the Windows Firewall and User Account Control. Also, be aware that the main installer window may sometimes obscure secondary installer dialog windows that require your input.

Installing the License Server on Macintosh OS X

  1. Download and unzip the appropriate .tgz file.
  2. Double-click on the .pkg to start the installer. The installer will take you through the installation process step by step.
  • Important

    Due to changes in the OS X security protocols, users on 10.8.x (Mountain

    Lion), and users on 10.7.x (Lion) who have installed Gatekeeper will see a warning and be unable to proceed with the installation when opening the package by double-clicking. These users can, instead, right-click (or control + click) on the package file and select Open; this will still cause the warning to appear, but with an Open button that can be clicked, allowing the installation to proceed.

  1. The license server is installed, by default, in /Applications/Pixar/PixarLicense-LA-<version> and contains the following components and scripts:
    • PixarLicenseServer
    • LicenseApp/
    • pxmlshared.tcl
    • queryAvailablePRMan.tcl
    • queryUsersPRMan.tcl
    • stopPixarLicenseServer.tcl
    • legal.txt
  • Note

    The Pixar License Server software only needs to be installed on the machine that you have designated as your license server.

  1. Near the end of the installation the licensing application, LicenseApp, will be invoked. It will ask you for an "Entitlement Serial Number" and your Support Forum login and password. Enter the information in the appropriate fields (if you use a proxy server, your proxy information should be added as host:port, e.g. in the Advanced section) and click on the Get License button.

    The application will contact Pixar's servers and download your license to the License Server directory. Once that is finished, quit LicenseApp and the license server installer will run to completion.

  2. To start the license server, run the following command from a Terminal window:


    To stop the license server, run the following command from a Terminal window:


    Please note that each of these scripts can be edited to accommodate your site's configuration. Also, the Start/Stop button in the License Server window of the installers for the software packages is not, currently, functional.

  • Note

    Connections to the new license server are made over port 9010.

Important Licensing Information

The release of RenderMan Pro Server 17 and RenderMan Studio 4 introduces important changes to the licensing behavior of the software that users need to be aware of. The license location is no longer hard-coded in the shipped .ini files. Instead, the software looks for the PIXAR_LICENSE_FILE environment variable; this can point to an arbitrary location wherein resides the pixar.license. If it is not found, the software checks the new default location: $RMANTREE/../pixar.license (e.g. C:\Program Files\Pixar\pixar.license), where the license is deposited by LicenseApp. If that is also not found, it will look for any override .ini files (e.g. a rendermn.ini file in a directory pointed to by RMS_SCRIPT_PATHS) that can contain a /licenseserver preference that points to a license server.