RenderMan for Katana Licensing & Installation

RenderMan for Katana Licensing & Installation

Katana Support

The current version of the plugin is intended for use with Katana versions 1.5, 1.6 and 2.x, it will not work with 1.2 or earlier versions of Katana due to a restructuring of Katana's renderer plug-in framework.


You should have downloaded the appropriate package, e.g.


To install RenderMan for Katana to the default location (/opt/pixar/RenderManStudio-version-katanaversion), in a root shell, navigate (cd) to the directory where the appropriate .rpm file is located and type:

> rpm -i [package name].rpm

For example, if you are running RHEL6 and Katana 2.0, the appropriate installation command is:

> rpm -i RenderManStudio-katana2.0-20.0_1505289-linuxRHEL6_gcc44icc150.x86_64.rpm

To install the packages to a different location, the /opt prefix of the default path can be replaced. For example, to install to /usr/local/pixar/RenderManStudio-20.0-katana2.0, from a root shell type:

> rpm -i --prefix /usr/local > RenderManStudio-katana2.0-20.0_1505289-linuxRHEL6_gcc44icc150.x86_64.rpm

Environment Variables

Just like Katana's PRMan17 plugin, the KATANA_RESOURCES environment variable must be set to point to the PRMan20 subdirectory below lib/katana/Resources, e.g:


You'll also need to set your $RMANTREE environment variable, if it is not already set, e.g.:

  • Note
There is no longer a need to create prman symbolic link; the PRMan20 plugin will automatically resolve the symbols via the $RMANTREE environment variable.


All Pixar applications look for their license information in a pixar.license file that, by default, is located in a shared installation root for all Pixar software (usually $RMANTREE/.. or $RFKTREE/.., e.g. /opt/pixar/pixar.license or /Applications/Pixar/pixar.license). In the case of node-locked software, the pixar.license file is a full-featured license. In the case of "floating" software, this file will contain a "stub" or a "redirector" license, which simply points to the license server and port that will serve the licenses.

The subsections below cover the three most typical scenarios for licensing Pixar software. Choose the scenario that matches your situation and ignore the others, or the wrath of the Licensing Gods will rain down upon your heads...

  • Important

    If you have a floating license you must install the license server on your license server machine and retrieve a license tied to that license server machine first, before retrieving licenses for your other workstations/render nodes.

    Please consult the License Server Installation documentation for instructions on installing the license server.

Node-locked Licenses

To retrieve a license, point a web browser to the Online Product Authorization page, then...

  1. Click Next to get to the license entry form.
  2. Enter your forum login and password, along with the Entitlement serial number received from Pixar.
  3. Enter the hostname and hostid - these are unique to your machine and can be determined using the pixarhostid utility, found in the License Utilities download section. Download the utility, unzip it to a location of your choosing, then run ./pixarhostid from the command line (in that location).
  4. Make sure that the License Server checkbox is not checked.
  5. Click Next to download pixar.license to your computer.
  6. Copy the pixar.license file to $RFKTREE/../pixar.license.
  • Note

    Node-locked licenses do not require a license server. There is no need to download or install the License Server package.

Floating Licenses - Standard Installation

Floating licenses are keyed to a specific machine designated as your license server. If you have purchased floating licenses, you must download the License Server software from the Downloads section of the RenderMan support forum. Note, this is a separate download from the RenderMan Studio download. The License Server download package for Linux is PixarLicense-8.0-[Linux Version].rpm.

  • Note

The Pixar License Server software only needs to be installed on the machine that you have designated as your license server. Additionally, while the seemingly mundane task of serving licenses often falls to older hardware, all of Pixar's RenderMan products, including the license server, require processors that are SSE2 compliant. Also, the license server host and its clients should all be on the same side (inside!) of your site firewall.

Please consult the License Server Installation documentation for instructions on installing the license server.

After the license server has been installed and the site's primary license has been retrieved, the site's serial number is used to retrieve "stub" licenses that automatically point to the site's license server. A stub license should look like this:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>
<!DOCTYPE PixarLicense SYSTEM "">
    <Created>01-jan-2011 11:11:11</Created>
      <CustomerName>Star Command</CustomerName>
      <ContactName>Buzz Lightyear</ContactName>
      <LicenseAccess type="floating">9010@zurgsbane</LicenseAccess>

To retrieve a stub license, point a web browser to the Online Product Authorization page, and...

  1. Click Next to get to the license entry form.
  2. Enter your forum login and password, along with the Entitlement serial number received from Pixar.
  3. Enter the hostname and hostid - these are unique to your machine and can be determined using the pixarhostid utility, found in the License Utilities download section. Download the utility, unzip it to a location of your choosing, then run ./pixarhostid from the command line (in that location).
  4. Make sure that the License Server checkbox is not checked.
  5. Click Next to download pixar.license to your computer.
  6. Copy the pixar.license file to $RFKTREE/../pixar.license.

Note that if you are installing on multiple machines you are not required to connect to the OPA system on each machine - you can safely copy the stub file to the appropriate location on multiple machines.

Floating Licenses - Customized Installation

At most sites it is sufficient to simply place the proper pixar.license in the install location, as described above. At larger sites it may be easier to maintain a single license file, rather than installing locally on every machine. In that case, there are two approaches that may be more appropriate:

  1. Recommended - Use the environment variable PIXAR_LICENSE_FILE to point to a pixar.license that is globally accessible.

  2. Alternatively, in a site-wide, custom .ini file, add an appropriate license server entry. Note, this is not suggested because each software package requires this entry in a different .ini or .config file, with different syntax:

    RenderMan Studio looks in RAT.ini for:

    SetPref LicenseServer    9010@yourlicenseserverhostname

    RenderMan Pro Server looks in rendermn.ini for:

    /licenseserver    9010@yourlicenseserverhostname

    The Tractor Engine looks in the tractor.config file for:

    "LicenseLocation": "9010@yourlicenseserverhostname"

    So, seriously, use Option 1 if you're not using the standard licensing configuration. Please.