Secondary Outputs (AOVs)

Secondary Outputs (AOVs)

  • Note

    This page is subject to further updates.

Another feature of RenderMan for Maya is the ability to generate secondary outputs (also called Arbitrary Output Variables, or AOVs). While rendering, RenderMan for Maya can output additional data (specular highlights, reflections, shadows, etc.) into separate image files, called secondary outputs. These outputs are not rendered in multiple passes, but are created at the same time the main image is being rendered

Secondary outputs are useful for compositing. It can be more efficient to adjust certain effects in compositing (such as tweaking specularity) than rendering the image over and over again. Secondary outputs can also be used to create special effects. RenderMan for Maya provides controls to generate exactly the kinds of secondary outputs required.

For more information about workflow associated with creating secondary outputs refer to the AOV documentation and the Shadow/Reflection Collector Tutorial. The tutorial covers how to set up and a specific type of AOVs in Maya for certain compositing workflows.

About Outputs

Here is a list of shadingmodel outputs. These additive terms are required to reconstruct the beauty render. They all must be passed through layering operations.


The total contribution from ambient light sources


Total contribution of backscattering effects


Unoccluded diffuse response to direct lights


Diffuse response that is shadowed (subtract this from DiffuseDirect)


Diffuse response from environments


Diffuse response reflected from other objects


Total contribution of incandescent effects


Total contribution of refraction effects


Total contribution of rim effect


Specular response from direct lights


Specular response that is shadowed, subtract this from SpecularDirect


(Unoccluded) specular response from environments


Specular light reflected from other objects (coherent reflections)


Total contribution of subsurface scattering


Total contribution of cheap/thin translucence

The recipe for compositing your beauty image is a simple additive process using these outputs:

result = SpecularDirect - SpecularDirectShadow + SpecularIndirect +
  SpecularEnvironment + Ambient +
  DiffuseDirect + Translucence - DiffuseDirectShadow +
  DiffuseIndirect + DiffuseEnvironment + Backscattering +
  Subsurface + Rim + Refraction + Incandescence

Additionally, there are "ancillary outputs" that are not used to create the beauty render but can be useful for other compositing tasks:


Color used to scale specular illumination


Color used to scale ambient and diffuse illumination


Occlusion of direct illumination (shadows)


Occlusion of indirect (ambient) illumination


The unnormalized shading normal at the shading point in Camera Space. For visualizing in rgb space, N must be normalized.


The unnormalized geometric normal at the shading point in Camera Space. For visualizing in rgb space, Ng must be normalized. Ng is the actual normal of the surface, while N is the normal used for shading. If there is anything perturbing the normal for shading these will be different.


The coordinates for the surface point in camera space.

s, and t

The 2D texturing coordinates at P. These are by default u and v, but can be overridden.

u, and v

The 2D texturing coordinates at P.

Cs and Os

The color and opacity of the surface before shading.

Ci and Oi

The output color and opacity of the surface after the shader runs.


The alpha at the surface point.


Derivative of P in time. Simply put, this outputs the velocity vector.


The total shader runtime for the shading grid that the point is on. This is very useful for optimizing shading time for a scene.

Deep Image Outputs

Support for deep image outputs was added in PRMan 16. RfM Pro 4.0.3 and higher can generate deep image outputs via an external RenderMan Pro Server 16 (or higher). These are the steps necessary to create a deep image output:

  1. Via the Outputs tab for your Final pass, create a new output consisting of Ci and a (go to Add Channels/Outputs, shift + select Ci and a, then right-click and choose Create One Output from Channels).
  2. Set the Image Format for your new output to DeepImage (.dtex).
  3. Add the optional Deep Image subimage attribute via Add/Remove Settings.

If desired, you can disable the primary output.

For more information about deep image outputs, please consult the RenderMan Pro Server 16 documentation.