

Inverts one or more components of the incoming color. The input color can be in the in the RGB, HSL, or HSV color models. Note: The output is a RGB color clamped to the [0 0 0] to [1 1 1] range.

Input Parameters

Input Color

The color that you would like to invert.

RIB: color inputRGB
Default: 0.0 0.0 0.0

Color Model

The inputColor uses this color model.

  • 0: RGB
  • 1: HSL
  • 2: HSV
RIB: int colorModel
Default: 0

Invert Channel 0

When enabled (set to 1) the first color channel is inverted. For example, if the color model is set to RGB, then the R channel will be inverted.

RIB: int invertChannel0
Default: 1

Invert Channel 1

When enabled (set to 1) the second color channel is inverted. For example, if the color model is set to RGB, then the G channel will be inverted.

RIB: int invertChannel1
Default: 1

Invert Channel 2

When enabled (set to 1) the third color channel is inverted. For example, if the color model is set to RGB, then the B channel will be inverted.

RIB: int invertChannel2
Default: 1

Output Parameters


The inverted color result.


The R channel from the resultRGB output.


The G channel from the resultRGB output.


The B channel from the resultRGB output.