



NOTE: RfM users can find the scene that created the wine glasses in the image above in the tutorial package.



Enabling thin glass effectively eliminates the bending of light as it travels through the glass. When set, the absorption effect is disabled and colored shadows are enabled. While light bending is disabled, the eta parameter still governs the reflectivity of the surface.

Default: 0 (Off)




Eta is the index of refraction is a physical property of a material. Smaller values (relative to the medium) bend light less. Reasonable eta values for glass are in the range 1.47 - 1.95.

Default: 1.5


Eta Presets: Ice, Glass, Crystal

Reflection Color

Tints the reflected light.

Default: 1 1 1 (White)



Refraction Color

Tints the refracted light. This effect occurs at the surface and so you can connect textures to this parameter. Shadows for thin surfaces are filtered by the refraction color.

Default: .8 .8 .8




Controls the roughness of the glass refractions. Larger values produce more blurred highlights. Smaller values produce tighter highlights.

Default: .01


.01, .2, .5


Controls the volumetric absorption of glass. This control is ignored when rendering as thin glass. Since absorption is a property of the volume, it can't be textured over the surface. Absorption is determined by the thickness of the material. It's acceptable to select values outside of the [0, 1] range.

Default: .0

Transmission Color

The color of light transmitted through solid glass. Only has an effect when absorption is greater than 0 and when not thin. Since transmissionColor is a property of the volume, it can't be textured over the surface. Generally channel values should be less than 1.0, otherwise there will be no absorption at any distance.

Default: .5 .5 .5


Select a shadowing behavior.

Default selects thin shadows when Thin is enabled. In this mode, shadows from glass that do not have Thin enabled are "black", since bent light paths are only captured through indirect bounces (which can produce caustic effects). Selecting Thin Shadows for solid objects produces a non-physical but useful shadowing effect (e.g. colored shadows cast through colored glass). If the value of absorption is non-zero the absorption effect will also apply to the thin shadows (of solid objects).

Default: 0


"Thick" Glass & Shadow, "Thick" Glass & "Thin" Shadow; "Thin" Glass & Shadow


Used to apply cut-outs to a shape. Primarily useful for thin-glass applications.

Default: 1

Bump Normal

An optional connection point for bumped normals.

Default: 0 0 0

Input AOV

Connect an AOV pattern like PxrMatteID to trigger AOV output. Note: You will also need to declare the relevant outputs in the Render Globals.

Default: 0