Pattern Examples

Pattern Examples

RPS 19 includes example RIB files and shaders demonstrating the Patterns that are shipped for use in RIS rendering mode. These examples can be found in the /lib/examples/RIS/scenes directory of your RenderMan Pro Server installation, in the /pattern and /spt/dinosaur subdirectories. Some of the examples are discussed in detail in the pages below. Whether or not you're inclined to open up a terminal window and render along, these pages serve as a broad overview of the features and capabilities of PRMan's RIS mode.

images/dinoCrop.png Dino - The Dino example is deceptively simple. In actuality, it's showing some important, powerful stuff: it's a hierarchical subdivision surface that takes advantage of PRMan's texture atlas support. We've also chosen this example to show off how AOV support has changed in RIS mode...
images/patternsCrop.png Sample Patterns - PRMan includes pattern nodes for all manner of pattern generation. These can be used for texture mapping, color correction, or procedural shading. Additionally, we've provided a PxrSeExpr node that serves as a scriptable pattern generator and combiner, and a PxrOSL node for creating more complex shader networks in a dedicated shading language.