Resources | Kaboom Box

Kaboom Box

Download HDA


This Houdini Digital Asset will greatly speed up pyro and volume workflows by giving artists a toolkit to render explosions, fire, candles, and anything else in between. The HDA offers both basic and advanced pyro lookdev controls plus a few presets to get you going quickly and easily.

Developed at Pixar by FX TD Hope Schroers, this HDA is a robust shading network developed using native RenderMan nodes and the best practices for rendering volumes at Pixar Animation Studios.


This Pyro HDA is simple to install:

  • Download the Kaboom Box HDA
  • Open Houdini’s Asset Menu
  • Choose Install Asset Library
  • Select rman_kaboom_box.hda
  • Press install

For more in depth information about using The Kaboom Box, please visit the RenderMan documentation.

About the Artist

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This Material Pack is free of copyright.
CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0). Public Domain Dedication.

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