Resources | Material Pack 01

Material Pack 01

Download Materials


A collection of 18 Pixar Surface Materials for RenderMan. Using only native Pixar nodes, these materials have been packaged for a seamless experience with the Preset Browser (RfM Asset Library).

These shading networks will expand your knowledge of RenderMan, by providing practical look-dev scenarios for native Pixar nodes and procedurals.


Drag the contents into your Asset Library > Materials folder. The files are organized by category and can be easily searched in your preset browser.

Make sure to transfer the installation RenderManAssetLibrary folder to a location with full writing privileges.

Once you transfer the Materials folder and move your Asset Library into a different location, it is important to tell Maya through the preferences that you want to use the new path.

Or you can create a new environment variable in you Maya.env file, which will make sure you are always pointing to the right folder:

RMAN_ASSET_LIBRARY = /My/Folder/Example/RenderManAssetLibrary


Materials created by Harsh Agrawal.

Updated by Leif Pedersen.


Public Domain. Free of known copyright restrictions.

Public Domain Mark


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