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RenderMan "The Iconoclasts" Art Challenge Final Results

58 Challengers | 3 Winning Entries & 6 Honorable Mentions
Challenge Dates: 08/04/2021 - 11/04/2021

Judges: Jeremy Birn, Masha Ellsworth, Chia-Chi Hu, Markus Kranzler,
Andre Mazzone, Leif Pedersen, Vladimir Petkovic, Dylan Sisson

Congratulations to our winners! In our eighth art challenge, the judges awarded points in two categories, Narrative (25% Story and 25% Composition) and Technical (25% Texturing/Shading and 25% Lighting/Rendering). Thanks to everyone who made this art challenge a memorable one!

Magic Shop Art Challenge Winners


1st - Vishwesh Taskar

Pouring Life

2nd - Michał Pancerz

Dangerous Waters

3rd - Jude Gayan

Story Time

Our Sponsors

A big thanks to Adobe Substance 3D, AMD, Foundry, fxphd, Industrial Light & Magic, SideFXRanch Computing, and SpeedTree for co-sponsoring this community event with guest judges and amazing prizes!

Honorable Mentions

Yining Karl Li

Render Wrangler



Robert Field

Knights of the Round Carousel

Henri Gatard

The Iconoclasts Regiment

Jakub Ptaszny

Tea Temple

Caroline Kiessling

Spaceship Repair


Abhineetam Chaurasia Arijit Datta Alireza Sohrabi
Michał Pancerz Danil Shaposhnikov Caroline Kiessling
Henri Gatard Jude Gayan Jakub Ptaszny
Matija Kos Parag Ghotgalkar Robert Field
Joe Jones Vishwesh Taskar Ah-Qi
Yining Karl Li

I want to see more!

You can view the great entries in "The Iconoclasts" Art Challenge space:

View the Entries!

*RenderMan community account required to participate. All decisions of the judges are final. All submissions furnished by you shall be the sole and exclusive property of Pixar.

Walking Teapot by Dylan Sisson. MAT by Damien Levaufre © Disney/Pixar - RenderMan "The Iconoclasts" Art Challenge

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