Created by Mark Flanagan

© Disney / Pixar.

Tutorials | Stirling: Automobile Rendering

Stirling: Automobile Rendering

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This series of tutorials by Mark Flanagan will lead you through the basics of RenderMan version 21, building shading knowledge and lighting skills through practical exercises, and at a gradual pace, where you'll learn to render a car with a holdout workflow.

Most of this training is directly applicable to RenderMan version 22.

Video List

  • Quickstart Series
    1. RenderMan 21: Quickstart 1
    2. RenderMan 21: Quickstart 2
    3. RenderMan 21: Quickstart 3
    4. RenderMan 21: Quickstart 4
  • Maya Interface Series
    1. RenderMan 21: Interface Introduction
    2. RenderMan 21: Interface 2 The Shelf and Rendering Tools.
    3. RenderMan 21: Interface 3 Lighting on the Toolshelf
    4. RenderMan 21 InterFace Toolshelf Lighting 2
    5. RenderMan 21 InterFace Toolshelf Lighting 3 Emissive Geometry
    6. RenderMan 21 InterFace Toolshelf Lighting 4 Filters
    7. RenderMan 21 InterFace Toolshelf Materials
    8. RenderMan 21 InterFace Toolshelf Volumes
    9. RenderMan 21 Interface Holdouts
    10. RenderMan 21 Interface Archives
    11. RenderMan 21: Image Tool 1
    12. RenderMan 21: Image Tool 2
    13. RenderMan 21: Image Tool 3
  • Shaders Series
    1. RenderMan 21: Shaders 1 Color
    2. RenderMan 21: Shaders 2 More Color
    3. RenderMan 21: Shaders 3 Specular
    4. RenderMan 21: Shaders 4 Clearcoat And Iridescence
    5. RenderMan 21: Shaders 5 Stripe
    6. RenderMan 21: Shaders 6 Flakes
    7. RenderMan 21: Shaders 7 general layered shaders.
    8. RenderMan 21: Shaders 8 Stirling layers
    9. RenderMan 21: Shaders 9 Tire part 1
    10. RenderMan 21: Shaders 10 Tire part 2
    11. RenderMan 21: Shaders 11 Rims
    12. RenderMan 21: Shaders 12 Spokes
  • Megascans
    1. RenderMan 21: Megascans. (As seen at the Vancouver RenderMan Users Group)
  • Patterns
    1. RenderMan 21: Patterns introduction, Checker and Manifold 2d
    2. RenderMan 21: Understanding the Node Editor, Data types and the essential PxrTee Pattern

Client brief

We have been retained to produce a series of images of a fictional classic car for a client...

  • Stirling is a car full of character and must be shown in a compelling manner.
  • With a rich heritage of British automotive design, strong lines and obvious physicality he embodies the style and danger of a “Bond" or “Carter" character.
  • “Exquisitely tailored, but deadly."
  • The images should be as photo-real as practicable.
  • Techniques and visual language of of high end automobile photographers will be employed in order to enhance the appeal of the image set.

About the Author

Real name: Mark Flanagan. Lives in London.

I'm originally from Dublin in Ireland and have always had an interest in the intersection of art and technology. I've worked in architecture, design visualization, games development, and education. I'm currently a Technical Trainer for ILM.

I get to learn new things every day and relive the joy of learning through teaching others.

Terms of Use

These assets are property of Pixar. By downloading the project files you agree to the terms of use as defined in the EULA for RenderMan Models.


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