RenderMan® Fundamentals

Official introductory training for Pixar's flagship renderer.

Artwork by Eugene Riecansky


Expand photorealism through the use of procedural nodes and textures

  • Bump & Normal Mapping

    In this lesson you’ll learn how to correctly use Bump and Normal maps within RenderMan. We’ll look at using the flexible per-lobe bump parameters for added creative possibilities.

  • Bump Roughness

    In this lesson, you'll learn how to harness the amazing power of Pixar's Bump Roughness, which allows users to render micro detail efficiently and automatically.

  • Material Variation

    In this lesson, we're going to take a look at the incredibly versatile PxrVary node and how you can use it to add randomization to your materials. Download the Houdini file to follow along!

  • Procedural Grime

    In this lesson, learn how to create realistic procedural dirt, dust, and grime using the PxrDirt & PxrCurvature nodes.

  • Procedural Mask Adjustment

    This lesson is all about using the PxrRemap & PxrThreshold nodes to adjust your textures and masks.

  • Tiling Textures

    This lesson will give you the fundamental understanding of how to get beautiful and seamless texture maps on your models by using the PxrRoundCube & PxrMultiTexture nodes.

  • Custom Outputs

    Learn how the PxrTee node is capable of outputting any pattern to an AOV and the advantages it brings to your compositing and look-dev workflow.

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